Vicious Circle - Truth & Lie

Does any of you ever give it a thought that our life rotate around these two words - truth and lie? Are they permanent?? We can say only one of this, there is no space that we say truth and lie at the same time. Even if there is only one word of lie in the truth then the truth is a lie.

First of all let’s see what truth really is? What I have noticed and found is that truth is not constant. For me if something is truth, then it may be lie. The reason is simple, either you don’t know the view or thing that I know or I don’t know the things you know. So, truth is nothing, it’s just the perspective or the knowledge that any person have regarding the matter. Still, after this information, I would like to contradict it here. Truth is something that is same for everyone on the condition that you have all the information about the thing.

Lie…Its something which is not truth. No matter how good u manipulate the truth, someday you will not be able to manipulate it. This may be due to any reason either you will come to know the consequences of lying or you will be caught by someone who is a better liar or know the truth that you are manipulating. There are many reasons that can make you understand that lie is something which doesn't last long and is not good if seen from future perspective.

I am sure that many of know this. Then, why do we lie? There are many reasons for it. But they can be summed up into single reason “FOR OUR BENEFIT”. You may be thinking that he’s blabbering anything. But it’s not like that. Let me explain. If you are lying to make someone happy, then too you are doing that because if that person gets sad, then it effects you. If you are lying to make someone feel bad, then too because it makes you happy if that person feels bad. You say that you lying to teach a lesson to someone and working on to make some good change in the society, which in turn is affecting your future in some way making it safe and secure. So, you see from these few example that whatever view we see or due to whatever reason we lie, in some or the other way it only affects us, our future.

Let’s get to consequences. What are or can be the consequences of telling the truth or lying? However bitter the truth is, it’s always better. You know why? It is because person can feel bad and may be the person gets angry on you. But it will make them trust you. At least you are not going to be bombarded with the word liar. You will be at peace inside regarding that you had the guts to speak truth even on knowing the consequences and even with the fear of losing the person, you dared to speak truth. As it’s said

The pure and simple truth is rarely pure and never simple.

Lie is good. Makes u happy for some time. Keeps u and sadness away. But what if the person comes to know that you are lying or the person come to know that what you said to them and what actually happen was not same, it was manipulated. It will affect you severely if that person have even 0.1% value in your life. And more over even if that person don’t come to know about the lie. If the person ask something else about the stuff you old in lie, then at first you will be confused if it’s not expected from the person, secondly to hide one lie so many more lies would be needed. On the top there will be an internal rush and fear in you thinking that what if the person comes to know you lied. More over with the lie chances of losing the person increases the by 200% than by telling the truth. And even if you don’t lose the person, you lose the trust of the person. This makes you feel departed from the person you care.  

It takes strength to stand up for TRUTH … which is why many continue to LIE.

In last I would wrap up our conversation with this belief that we know what is good for us and what we should do in future. Personally, I am going to diminish my lies as now I know that “An Inconvenient Truth” is better than “A reassuring lie”.  Saying I will end up means I am again lying because we all know that neither we can’t stop lying all at once nor can live without it in this lovely strange world.

A LIE has many variations, the TRUTH has none.


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