Silence – Good, Bad or Hurting

Silence!! What came to your mind as soon as you hear this word silence? Is it someone’s voice that you are missing or does that feel some one is ordering to be quite or may be some place, etc. Yes, this word is something that you can related to many things, it may be some place, person, order etc. Now everyone must be thinking this is some simple word with some deep meaning which we all never bothered to think much about.
Technically, Silence is “absence of sound”. This Silence have great effect on our lives. It may be good; it may be bad or it may be hurtful. During meditation or stress, silence is considered good and is very helpful. When someone is doing the wrong thing, but you decide to keep silent; that time silence is bad. When you and your close one (parents, best friend, lover…) don’t talk to you or avoid you, that time silence hurts in the deepest way, breaking your heart.

Why being silent can be good to us? Answer being sometimes answers are hiding in silence not in the words. When we are silent, we tend to hear more and understand better. Being in silence give out brain some rest from listening to outer world and let us listen to ourselves, analyse or actions, understand things in better way using our own knowledge in a better way. Silence helps us to train out brain to work more efficiently and smartly, instead of going haywire and crazy. Sometimes this silence says so many things that we can’t explain in words. There is famous quote:

“A Meaningful Silence is always better than Meaningless words.”

And the person who understand you silence every time, is the person whom you can depend on. Because that person knows you in and out and understand you in a much better way than you yourself would not be knowing. Another good side of being silent for some people can be that they are able to discover/rediscover themselves in the silence.

Now, the sad part the hurting part of silence. YES, this is what is most dangerous part of silence. A person can take up every challenge, fights and problems but when it some to the part when it comes on closest and dear one’s being silent; the person breaks up. It hurts more than anything else. Losing a person is yet less painful than having the person in your life and the person is very close to you but is not talking to you or is avoiding you. It worsens when you don’t know the reason of such act and the person is not telling you the reason.  It is said that

“The TRUTH Hurts but SILENCE Kills.”

Silence is much stronger when used at right place. But it can be devastating when used in a relation. Of course for a person of Wisdom, silence is much greater than what we normal people feel. For us silence feels good when you are alone or stressed or doing Yoga. But when you are with your friend especially with the close one, it can break the person heart into pieces that even harsh words can't do to the person.

“Harsh WORDS hurt FEELINGS but SILENCE breaks HEARTS.”


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