Mysterious Life

LIFE!!! What to discuss about it? It have many different things to talk about and we can spend years talking about it. But today, I would like to share what I feel about the life, that I had lived, I am living and expect/ plan to live. A single line that I think describe the life in best way is:

“LIFE is something that happens to you while you are making some other PLANS”.

Today, while lying on the mattress kept in my terrace, watching the glimpse of the beautiful moon hiding behind the branches and leaves in the cold weather made me think. Our life is something like this only. The glimpse of the light coming from the moon is the goal or our dream. The branches of the trees are the obstructions which try to divert us from the path that reaches our goal. The leaves are those which indirectly effect our decisions. And the air is the situation or the time which is not in our hands. Whenever you think that you have figured out how to have a better glimpse of moon, air flows and the position of obstacles changes. This in turn make us think why we are trying when we know that this is going to happen again and you can’t do anything about it or will make you stronger to reach the goal.

What I fell is that when you care for someone and accept them as a precious gem of your life, you take them as you supportive who helps you and be there for you to help you reach your goal. But when you lie to that person who trusts you, you convert that to an obstacle.  Once they lose the trust in you, you feel as if your life is too completed and cannot be simplified. But my friends we all face nearly same issues in our life. Some tell it to others or blabber. Some hide it to calm the situation or to avoid some unfavorable situation. But this is not the right way. If we say truth, person can start shouting, getting angry etc. But will be knowing that you trust the person, so you told the truth. There is a famous saying:

“GOOD time’s ends quickly, BAD times go on forever.”

We get one life to enjoy. In that we don’t have mind till teenage i.e. about 20 years are gone. By 21 you are in college. If you enjoy and have fun along with studying, then I would say that you are enjoying life. Then after few years we marry, then child. So many responsibilities. That time also you will be living this MYSTERIOUS life. But this life is something more than studying or competing. Life is all about how many hearts you win and how much you enjoy in every breath you take. You please close your eyes and try to think about the happiest moment of your life. That happiest moment is when you lived your life to a better extent. Life is all about getting crazy, doing idiotic things, playing, smiling and more. Getting knowledge in this life is very important to cope up with the turns this life take now and then, but knowledge is not in the books only; it is all around us.

I would recommend just to take 5 min once in a day and think what u did or doing or going to do, to add this day to your memory of day that you lived and enjoyed. Drinking booze or smoking, hookah doesn't make you cool or make you enjoy life. They are just a part of the life you are enjoying. We should always have at least one crazy friend with whom we can go crazy, act crazy and that person instead of complaining enjoys with you and double the happiness. This life hols a lot and lot of secrets, surprises, gifts for us. We just need to wait for the right time.

But, you don’t only these best things about the life. There are many bad things which we don’t like about life. Some of them is because we are lazy to do the things or we don’t know what should be done in the situation. Most of these negative things can be avoided by being true and clear that what we exactly want. With I would end our chat for today.  One of the American poet said

In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.

Life is too short to waste and cry.. Instead we should keep enjoying


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